时间:2008/09/23 出处:网易 |
网易财经讯 21日有香港媒体报道称,在雀巢成长奶粉中发现了微量的三聚氰胺。22日下午,雀巢(中国)有限公司回复网易财经时否认了这一说法,称所有在中国生产的产品都没有使用掺杂三聚氰胺的牛奶。
据介绍,雀巢中国的奶源包括黑龙江、内蒙古和青岛三地,并未从爆发问题的河北收购鲜奶。“雀巢公司与3万多奶户建立直接的关系,从来不通过中间商来收购原料奶。”雀巢公关部如此强调。如果消费者怀疑质量可否得到退货,雀巢方面没有明确答复。 (本文来源:网易财经 作者:李伟)
瑞士韦威, 2008年9月22日 ——近日有香港媒体报道,声称在雀巢成长奶粉中发现了微量的三聚氰胺。雀巢(中国)有限公司在此郑重声明:我们对公司产品充满信心, 所有在中国生产的产品都没有使用掺杂三聚氰胺的牛奶。
垂询热线 消费者服务热线 电话: 400-610-4868 媒体问询 电话: 010-84347656
Safety of China Consumers are non-negotiable
Priorities for Nestlé
Position Statement
Nestlé dairy products not made from milk adulterated with melamine
Vevey, 21 September 2008 – Following press reports in Hong Kong earlier today claiming that traces of melamine had been found in a Nestlé growing up milk, Nestlé is confident that none of its products in China is made from milk adulterated with melamine.
The Hong Kong Government's Food and Environment Health Department has just released a report declaring that Neslac Gold 1+, which was mentioned in the media reports, is safe and that no melamine was detected in the product. Neslac Gold 1+ was previously tested by government-approved independent laboratories such as the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd. (18-20 September) and the Food Industry Research and Development in Taiwan (16 September). Neither test detected melamine in the product.
Nestlé has a very close relationship with its milk producers in China and advises them continuously on the quality of milk production. Nestlé also has the same stringent quality control system in place in its factories in China as in any other part of the world. Over 70 different tests are routinely conducted in the course of producing infant formula and other milk products. In fact, the Chinese authorities have issued official certificates for all tested Nestlé products stating that no melamine has been detected in any of them.
In general terms, melamine is found throughout the food chain across the world in minute traces which do not represent any health risk for consumers. There is a generally accepted tolerable daily intake of melamine in food in the EU (0.5mg/kg of body weight/day) and in the US (0.63mg/kg of body weight/day). The lowest level of melamine traces which can be measured by commonly-used testing equipment (2 ppm) is 20 times below these internationally-recognised safety limits. In other words, based on this 2 ppm value, a three year-old child would have to consume over 40 litres of milk every day to exceed these safety limits.
Since the safety of consumers is of utmost importance to the company, Nestlé once again expresses confidence that none of its products in China is made from milk adulterated with melamine. |