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    时间:2007/04/21 出处:CNN

    警方说,他们试图和这名枪手谈判,但听到了枪声后,他们立即冲进了枪手藏身的房间,发现枪手和一名男人质死亡,这名女人质的双手和双脚都被强力胶带捆绑, 但没有受到伤害,现正接受医护人员的照顾。警方指出,他们在同一层楼里发现了另一名人质中枪,相信是在早些时候受伤的。









    美国宇航局官员表示,NASA安全人员在下午1时40分(东岸时间2时40分)获报,主管通讯与追踪发展实验室的44号建筑内,有一名男子持枪闯入。 44号建筑为一栋两层楼的建筑,位于约翰逊宇航中心的中央,据CNN报导,此栋楼为约翰逊宇航中心最小的大楼之一,拥有两个实验室,该宇航中心有3000 名员工以及12000聘顾人员。警方也获报楼内曾发生枪响。


    位于德州休士顿的美国太空总署约翰逊宇航中心(NASA Johnson Space Center)其中一栋楼,20日午後传出一持枪男子在其中,当局立即疏散楼内人员。

    据CNN报导,NASA安全人员在下午1时40分获报,主管通讯与追踪发展实验室的44号建筑内,有一名持枪男子,但对男子的描述还不清楚。 44号建筑为一栋两层楼的建筑,位于约翰逊宇航中心的中央,此栋楼为约翰逊宇航中心最小的大楼之一,该中心有3000名员工以及12000 聘顾人员。据闻有人在楼内听到枪响。目前所有人员已疏散。






      休斯顿太空中心 (Space Center Houston)和美国太空总署约翰逊宇航中心(NASA Johnson Space Center)应该说是两个地方,但又不可分割。约翰逊宇航中心是美国最大的航天研究,生产及控制中心。美国的航天火箭,航天飞机都是在佛罗里达发射的,但是所有的控制都是在这儿完成的。这儿当然也是1969年登月的控制中心。所以人类在月球上说的第一个词就是“休斯顿”,以至于现在人们常开玩笑说 “Houston, we have a problem”(休斯顿,我们遇到麻烦了)。




      911以前,每年八月宇航中心有一次“开门迎客”的开放日活动(open house),可以真正看到一些东西,还可以得到宇航员的签名照片,并当场与宇航员合影。不过排队等的时间长一点,一个多小时。

    Gunman kills hostage, self at NASA center

    HOUSTON - A NASA contract worker armed with a handgun killed a hostage and then himself after a nearly four-hour standoff Friday in an office building at Johnson Space Center, Houston police said.

    The slain hostage, a man, was shot in the chest and was likely to have been shot "in the early minutes of the whole ordeal," Police Capt. Dwayne Ready said. Initial reports indicated two shots were fired at about 1:40 p.m. CDT and another shot was heard about 5 p.m.

    A second hostage, a woman, escaped after being bound to a chair with duct tape, Ready said.

    The gunman, an employee of Jacobs Engineering of Pasadena, Calif., shot himself once in the head more than three hours after barricading himself on the second floor of Building 44, which houses communications and tracking development lab, Ready said. The gun was a snub-nosed revolver, either .38 or .357-caliber, Ready said.

    Authorities did not identify any of those involved in the ordeal. However, co-workers told MSNBC.com on condition of anonymity that the gunman was long considered an office hothead. He did not work at Building 44, but rather at a nearby office building, they said.

    A NASA spokesman said the agency would likely review its security. "Any organization would take a good, hard look at the kind of review process we have with people," Doug Peterson said.

    To enter NASA, workers flash an ID badge as they drive past a security guard. The badge allows the workers access to designated buildings.

    Building 44 was evacuated shortly after gunshots were heard, and SWAT officers surrounded the building, which houses communications and a tracking development laboratory.

    Ready described the gunman as being between 50 and 60 years old. He declined to speculate on what the man's motive might have been, but based on the reports from co-workers, the motive may have been work-related.

    The gunman was an employee of Jacobs Engineering, which has an engineering technical support contract with NASA, said Jacobs executive vice president John Prosser. "We understand it is one of our employees," Prosser said. "Beyond that, we have no comment."

    Police were unable to talk to the gunman during the ordeal, despite repeated attempts to reach him.

    NASA employees and contract workers were kept informed of the situation by e-mail, including the first one which began, "We have a report of a weapon in Building 44."

    Roads within the 1,600-acre campus were blocked off. A nearby middle school also kept its teachers and students inside as the school day ended, but reopened to allow students to leave.

    President Bush was informed about the incident by counselor Dan Bartlett as he flew back to Washington from an event in Michigan, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. The White House was getting regular updates from NASA, she said, with Bush's top homeland security aide monitoring it.

    Another NASA spokesman, James Hartsfield, said the building was "one of the smaller" office buildings on the JSC campus, where Mission Control is based. Building 44 is not near Mission Control.

    He declined to speculate on how a person would get a gun inside NASA security.

    Doors to Mission Control were locked as is standard procedure.

    NASA Director of External Relations Eileen Hawley said NASA would study the situation when it was defused to see if any policies needed to be changed.

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