时间:2006/04/27 出处:大旗网 |
近日,我收到了美国著名公关公司Van Heyst的邀请函,希望我能代表大旗网出席素有“小达沃斯论坛”之称的“财富论坛”头脑风暴会。 邀请函说,风暴会将于6月28日-30日在美国科罗拉多州的Aspen举行。主办单位是《财富》杂志和Aspen研究所。 东道主说,今年的主体是“互联世界的生活”(Life in a Connected World)。 据介绍,大约250名各个行业的领袖人物将参加此次会议。参加上次头脑风暴会议的名流包括:约旦国王阿卜杜拉、美国前总统克林顿、美国前国务卿奥尔布赖特、以色列前总理佩雷斯、风投大鳄John Doerr、迪斯尼大老板Robert Iger,科罗拉多州长比尔·欧文斯、eBay老板Meg Whitman以及现世界银行行长沃尔福威茨等。其中的大部分今年继续参加。 这是大旗网继去年(当时名为Chinabbs)应邀参加另一个盛大国际论坛“媒体与阿拉伯世界”后再获殊荣。去年代表中国媒体的有4家,另外三家分别是新华社、中青报和中央电视台。而大旗网是唯一一家互联网媒体。当时的嘉宾主要有伊拉克总统亚瓦尔、约旦王后拉尼娅、阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨、沙特亲王费萨尔、迪拜酋长国酋长兼阿拉伯联合酋长国国防部长等。 实在不是本人名声在外,而是大旗的地位被国外所看好;也不是大旗已经很出色,而是美国人更喜新厌旧,很看好充满朝气和希望的新生力量。所以,他们一再把大旗网这个互联网的“蓝筹股”拉到这种顶级论坛去亮相。 不是老美的鼻子灵,也不是他们相信Alexa那个七上八下的东西,实在是绝对专业的美国财经机构看好大旗,欣赏大旗,要抬举大旗。 去年人家出钱请我代表大旗去迪拜参加论坛会(请参考我去年12月8日的博客报道),源自美国最权威的道·琼斯通讯社等媒体对我们网站的认可和欣赏。另一家美国财经媒体曾把我们称为“互联网历史上成长最快的企业”。我们都不好意思了,尽管这是实事求是的说法。 今年人家又请我去,还是沾美国专业媒体对我们客观和公正褒奖的光,认为我们做社区、论坛类信息聚合的模式很有价值。美国最有实力的摩根史坦利投资银行在最新一份分析报告中充分肯定了大旗网的地位和实力。该报告第35页以“应许之地-中国流量最大的中文网站”为题,把大旗网列为第18位名,排在中搜、GOOGLE(28)和博客网(35)之前。
这是摩根史坦利根据自己的监测和跟踪数据并结合Alexa截至3月29日排名得出的结论。 何谓“应许之地”?一般朋友可能不知道。这是《圣经》旧约用语,说的是上帝耶和华(犹太人叫雅卫)许给犹太祖先亚伯拉罕及其族人的古迦南(今巴勒斯坦、以色列和约旦及部分周边地区),让他们从两河流域迁徙到那个充满希望和生机的地方。 用如此神圣而古老的词来形容中国的互联网,一方面反映了美国人强烈的宗教情节,另一方满显现摩根史坦利投资银行是多么看好中国的互联网,包括我们这样的成长中的互联网企业。 中国人说,木秀于林,风必摧之。被老外特别是投资商看好是要付出代价的。《圣经》中的“应许之地”号称“流着奶和蜜”,结果作为“上帝选民”的犹太人在那里受尽了磨难。中国的互联网蕴藏着数不尽的财富,我们这个类似犹太部落的“受选网站”就遭到妒忌、怨恨,以至于有些人都急红了眼,不择手段,三番五次加害我们,即使我们退避三舍也还是要刺刀见红。 我们原本是不屑与某些流氓、草寇、鸡鸣狗盗之徒对阵的,因为我一直相信一句名诗:“卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭”。但是,我们决不做烈士,最终死掉的是那些不走正道的撒旦。 5天前,我在京西宾馆参加史坦国际举办的“中国传媒投资年会”时颇有感慨。我应邀上台发表感言,却没有太多地谈商业模式、发展方向、成长潜力,而是谈了4点由传统媒体转入互联网行业的深刻感想。 我说,几分钟前,我看到百度老总李彦宏发表在《新京报》上的一段回忆,称他1999年回国创业时,“发现国内的互联网创业环境太恶劣了,人太坏了,坏到你不坏都没有办法生存的地步”(大意如此,请查4月22日《新京报》。 我接着说,以我触网近一年的感觉,李彦宏说得没错。和传统媒体相比,中国的互联网有这样的特点:江湖险恶,乌烟瘴气,流氓横行,强盗出没! 我接着补充说,某些互联网人士的创意和点子是超一流的;拼命的精神是一流的;职业作风是二流的;道德水准是三流的,或者说是极其下作的。为了诋毁对手或潜在的竞争伙伴,不择手段,卑鄙到相当无耻的地步。 算了。扯远了。为了证明我没有胡吹自己开篇所谈的事,现把主办方的邀请函附在后面。稿子太长了。已确认参会的贵宾名单,以及最近外国媒体和人士造访大旗网的链接另发博客吧。 Dear Mr. Ma,
It was great meeting you at the Arab and World Media Conference in Dubai. Thank you so much for your great participation. We are beginning to plan our next Arab Thought Foundation gathering which will be the first week in December. I will be getting back to you with details shortly.
In the meantime, I would like to invite you and a few of the new acquaintances I made at the Arab and World Media Conference to the FORTUNE Brainstorm gathering, now in it's 5th year, and will take place June 28-30 in Aspen, Colorado. I am co-director along with David Kirkpatrick, Senior Writer, Internet and Technology with FORTUNE. I hope you will be able to join us and please let me know if you have any questions.
This is a gathering of some 250 leaders in various fields to discuss the important issues facing global citizens. A description follows below.
Brainstorm is a unique gathering of leaders from business and a broad diversity of other fields. It is sponsored by FORTUNE and co-hosted with the Aspen Institute. We meet in Aspen each summer to better understand the future and to explore what we can do to make it better.
The two-day conference is by invitation only, and we structure it to facilitate maximum interaction among attendees. Topics range from the future of the corporation to global warming to the role of China to marketing in an era of consumer control. The meeting has often been described as "a little Davos."
Brainstorm 2006 will focus on "Life in a Connected World." How does growing connectedness change politics, business, society, culture, and daily life around the world? What are the biggest disconnects among nations, between belief systems, and between people and their environment, and what can we do to remedy them? Is it leading to the decline of the nation state? Is our technology-driven society leading to more individual empowerment, or to greater dehumanization?
We will also ask a select group of top economists for their outlook and concerns; we will discuss with our international participants how Japan sees the future, what the Chinese are most concerned about, how the Arab countries are changing. We will also find out how strategists are marketing their corporations; and hear examples of businesses that are “doing good while doing well.”
Past participants - many of them repeat attendees -include King Abdullah of Jordan, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Shimon Peres, venture capitalist John Doerr, EasyJet’s Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Fred Krupp of Environmental Defense, Flextronics’ Michael Marks, Michael Capellas, Disney’s Robert Iger, Colorado Governor Bill Owens, Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch, Sir Martin Sorrell of WPP, eBay’s Meg Whitman, and Paul Wolfowitz, now President of the World Bank. Our conversations are rich with unexpected ideas.
As in past years, we will devote a section of FORTUNE to Brainstorm. We are hard at work planning the program for the 2006 gathering and hope you will be among our stellar group. Please use the enclosed form to reserve your place. As always, all Brainstormers will be invited to answer several questions in advance for inclusion in our program book and to get the dialogue going.
Attached is a confirmed participant list and a fax-back form. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Warm regards,
Della van Heyst |