时间:2005/11/07 出处: |
前些日子一篇文章BlogChina又瞄上了Wiki,主要是想说明wiki在中国的巨大 发展潜力和潜在的巨大社会、商业价值。这里意义我不想在赘述。在一个教育 普及程度还不高,经济发展还不平衡的国度,有这样一个在线百科全书等于修 建了上百上千个“希望学校”,只要你有意愿学习,你可以随时找到免费的“教材 ”,至少给你一个方向、一个指引去来了解我们这个世界。有什么能比它更值得 你去推动的呢
写完这篇Blog,我就写信给Google中国的总裁李开复博士,希望他能看到, 并推动这样多赢的公益事业。让我没想到的是,发完信件的十多分钟后,在北 京时间6:45分,李开复博士在上海的寓所回复了我的Email.
I think Wiki is one of the most amazing things in the last 10 years. I think there should be a non-profit Chinese Wiki that is NOT separate but a part of the global Wiki. Information should be shared and not separated by artificial language or country boundaries. Can you tell me more about the state of Wiki and what you think Google can do? Thanks! Kai-Fu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
同日,我又写了一封长信给Wiki基金会的创始人Jimmy Wales,他也是在很 短的时间内就回复了我的Email。
I would be interested in working with Google or you do something, but censoring Wikipedia is not something that we will ever willingly participate in.
Wikipedia is usually freely available in China. It was only recently blocked. I expect it to be unblocked soon, because there is no political advocacy in Wikipedia -- we have a strict neutrality policy.
Jimmy wales ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
真的没有想到,他们会回复我的邮件,非常感谢他们,也希望他们会协 力合作将这件事情推动下去。当然,我在这里写篇Blog并不能改变什么,我只 是想尽自己的微薄之力让这件事情有更大可能发生。
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