时间:2005/06/23 出处: |
1。 Apple 劈腿 Intel
六月初 Steven Jobs 终于证实硅谷神仙伴侣Apple/IBM的美满姻缘因Apple与Intel的婚外情 走入历史,据说IBM的PowerPC的发热问题造成床第之欢不谐调,而且由于IBM情人过多,PowerPC 的供货不爽导致Apple难与忍受。
Apple自发表了基于FreeBSD的OS/X后,由于UNIX类OS的可移植性,圈内圈外人士都在传Apple 早晚会劈腿。对Apple另结新欢最高兴的有两类人:以Dell为代表的PC厂商和BSD歌迷会。Dell冒 着惹怒旧情人兼大款M$的风险,向Apple频抛媚眼;FreeBSD歌迷会甚至一相情愿地打出"Linux快 死了”的横幅。
BSD歌迷会与Linux歌迷会之间积怨已久。Linux歌迷会的online杂志DistroWatch轻描淡写地 说,BSD歌迷会与Linux歌迷会同属无产阶级阵营,而Apple与M$都属资产阶级,相煎何急?“爱情 是一只自由鸟, Steven Jobs永远不会懂得你的心。”
2. "Is Linux For Losers ?" - Theo de Raadt 如是说
Apple的绯闻还未落幕,被Linux歌迷会称之为龌龊小人的福布斯杂志的娱记Daniel Lyons采 访了OpenBSD的天皇巨星Theo de Raadt。 de Raadt趁机大放厥词:
"It's terrible," De Raadt says. "Everyone is using it, and they don't realize how bad it is. And the Linux people will just stick with it and add to it rather than stepping back and saying, 'This is garbage and we should fix it.'"
"I think our code quality is higher, just because that's really a big focus for us," De Raadt says. "Linux has never been about quality. There are so many parts of the system that are just these cheap little hacks, and it happens to run." As for Linus Torvalds, who created Linux and oversees development, De Raadt says, "I don't know what his focus is at all anymore, but it isn't quality."
Daniel Lyons见目的已达到,乘胜扩大战果。把de Raadt的话传给了Linux歌迷会总舵主Linus Torvalds, Torvalds只说 de Raadt这人比较"难缠"( "difficult"), 拒绝进一步发表评论.
de Raadt用辉煌的警句结束了采访: "Linux people do what they do because they hate Microsoft. We do what we do because we love Unix" , 趁机狠踹了竟争对手一脚。
Daniel Lyons还嫌不过瘾, 借OpenBSD的铁杆歌迷Lok Technologies公司的Simon Lok之口说: "You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, 'Does this belong here?' " Lok says. "What kind of confidence does that inspire? Right then I knew it was time to switch."
福布斯杂志的采访一发表, 一千二百多BSD与Linux双方的死忠歌迷在IT界的著名八卦杂志slashdot的 BBS上发生火并. 以下是精彩节选。
第一个上贴的显然是个Linux犯, 披着个GRUB的马甲说: Theo de Raadt并没有说"Linux is for losers", 这篇报道完全是拨火, 我得去泡一杯咖啡了......
一位BSD犯大声叫好, 说"只要我在源码中发现'Does this belong here?', 肯定是有什么不对劲的地方.
下面一位怒气冲冲的老兄说: you just don't get it...GEEK...(气氛在升温).
"BSD又好到哪里去了?" 这位先给大家看了看他用的OS: FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE i386 GENERIC. 接着在源码里一扫, 列出一大堆诸如"doesn't really belong here I guess..."之类的注解.
一位BSD犯急了, 反驳道: 你看看 Gentoo Linux吧, 在源码里一扫, 也列出一大堆"doesn't really belong here..."的注解.
另一位BSD犯帮腔说: (你的OS是FreeBSD) 我相信OpenBSD是完美的, 绝没有那些轻浮的注解!
后面一位在OpenBSD ufo.orbus.fr 3.7 GENERIC.MP#0 i386中一扫, 只出现了有限的几条 /* doesn't belong here */的注解, 假惺惺地说, "确实比FreeBSD好不少."
一群Linux犯对de Raadt的辉煌的警句发起了攻击, 引起一通暴笑:
"BSD guys are a lot like Linux guys, except they have kissed girls."
The only reason the girls let the *BSD guys kiss them is that they felt sorry for them- apparently the *BSD guys are dying.
Netcraft confirms it.
一位Linux犯突暴内幕: No wonder they threw him out of NetBSD. 大意是说de Raadt 原来是NetBSD核心开发组的成员, 虽然手艺不错, 但由于粗暴对待歌迷和同事,被开除出NetBSD, 他后来自己组成OpenBSD,这下没人开除他了. 福布斯杂志的采访是"one-sided bullshit flame from a proven asshole".
BSD犯底气不足的辩解道说: 可人家的活就是干的漂亮. FreeBSD的pfw防火墙有版权问题, de Raadt 一生气, 干脆新写了一个防火墙, 把别人全震了. Theo's an asshole. So what? If you're posting here, chances are, you are too ;)
这时两名Windows犯挤了进来, 激动的热泪盈眶, 语不成句地说: 终于等到这一天了!
I was always imbarrased for using windows. I would hide in the corner at coffee shops with my toshiba laptop hiding from the disapointing eyes of those harolded mac users. But now I am free. Loosers use linux, not windows. Hurray!!
...wow. i'm not normally one to go nazi on spelling, but good lord.
还有一位Linux犯尖锐地指出, 在另一篇采访中, Theo de Raadt是这样说的:I don't know. I have never run Linux. (那又何必对Linux大放厥词?)
BSD犯立刻反唇相讥:Torvalds也说他从来没玩过Windows. (那又何必对Windows大放厥词?)
也有IT界的老枪平静地说在注解中写it doesn't belong here, 只是表明可能有多种方法解决 同一个问题, 注解只起一个bookmark的作用。 其他大部分歌迷只会老调重弹:BSD对外设的支持 不好, Linux 不如BSD安全可靠等等。
3. Gentoo's founder Daniel Robbins works for Microsoft.
Gentoo Linux 是最像Windows XP的Linux之一. 创始人几年前离开了 Gentoo, 谁会想到Daniel Robbins竟然要为Linux最大的敌人M$工作了。 据说Daniel老是报怨钱不够用,Gentoo歌迷会甚至 为他募捐了几次。 DistroWatch评论道:The moral of the story? Never get into debt. If you do, you might have to sell your soul to the devil just to save your family!
Linspire (以前与M$为名承对质公堂的Lindows, 输了官司后改称Linspire) 趁机拉拢Gentoo的 歌迷们,推出名为“Gentoo Welcome"的免费哭胖。就是不知倒有效期到那一天为止,想加入Linspire 歌迷会的不要错过千载难逢的好机会。 |